+256 200 999 108 can@can.ug






























































Climate Action Network Uganda (CAN-U) is a registered civil society coalition comprising of Non-Governmental Organizations, Academia, and private sector players working on actions to combat the climate change crisis and its impacts in Uganda. CAN-U has more than 200 members based in all the regions of Uganda and is affiliated to the Climate Action Network International (CAN-I)

CAN-U convenes and coordinates civil society in Uganda to rally around the development and implementation of effective climate change policy and practices at global, national and local levels.

CAN-U’s core work is on climate change policy and advocacy that is based on solid evidence gathered through cutting edge research. We mainly work through collaborative partnerships at local and international levels where we draw on a highly experienced human resource to support our research


Climate Research and Development

We are at the core of revealing  the impacts of climate change to leaders and the ordinary citizens of Uganda. Our climate impacts   research and documentation has supported in telling the Ugandan climate change story across board from local to global.

CAN-U’s core work is on climate change policy and advocacy that is based on solid evidence gathered through cutting edge research. We  work through  partnerships at local and international level where we draw on a highly experienced human resource to support our research. ReadMore>>

Climate Advocacy and Campaigning

The Climate Action Network (CAN) #WorldWeWant Campaign on Climate Impacts drives collective action through the stories of communities affected by the climate crisis and serves as a clarion call for governments to address multiple and compounding crises to protect their citizens for a safe and resilient future. Through compelling, storytelling we witness how decades of inaction on the climate crisis are impacting people, but also learn how communities are using grassroots solutions to hold their leaders accountable. ReadMore>>>

Capacity Building 

4 Regional Nodes

Thematic Working Group


CAN Africa
CAN international